Friday, March 25, 2011

Some News

  1. Panasonic TX-P50VT20 review

    PC Advisor (blog)
    And when Pioneer, creator of the class-leading Kuro range of screens (built around plasma), decided to call time on its own foray into televisions, ...
  2. Plasma TV: the comeback

    TechRadar UK - Jamie Carter
    When Pioneer announced two years ago that it was to stop making its Kuro plasma TVs, many thought it would bring the curtain down on plasma ...

    TechRadar UK
  3. Saving Time and Money Motivates Avid RVer to Customize Rather Than ...

    In the living area, a custom stainless steel fluted face frame surrounded the Pioneer Elite plasmaHDTV that lowers from over the front cab. ...
  4. Pioneer health researcher Peter Wood, 81, dies

    Palo Alto Online - Sarah Trauben
    Their discovery of a correlation between exercise and HDL was inspired by Wood's habit of testing his own plasma to develop cholesterol measurement methods, ...
  5. HDTV Expert - Product Review: Samsung PN50C8000 3D Plasma TV

    HDTV Magazine - Pete Putman
    It's an old trick – Pioneer KURO plasma TVs also used it – but it reduces the vertical viewing angle. You can verify this by walking right up to the TV and ...
  6. Panasonic Viera VT30

    CNET UK - Ian Morris
    The rumours are that Panasonic is slowly integrating -- a little too slowly for some -- Pioneer's oldplasma technology into its screens. ...

  7. Panasonic Proclaims Higher Picture Quality and Kuro Like Blacks ...

    HD Guru
    To date, the Pioneer Kuro plasmas (discontinued in 2009) hold the record for the deepest blacks of aplasma display. Backing up the statement from the 

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